Showing Tag: "nationals" (Show all posts)

Wikileaks' WA preferencing decision could give Abbott control of Senate

Posted by on Monday, August 19, 2013, In : Preferencing 
Wikileaks has been courting the climate movement vote with a recently strengthened climate policy (which includes some policies related to phasing out coal but has a puzzling lack of content on leaving gas in the ground). However, their unprincipled decision to preference the WA Nationals ahead of one of Assange's strongest Australian supporters, Greens senator, Scott Ludlam, may possibly deliver the sixth WA Senate place to the Nationals and help Abbott get the majority he needs to wind back...

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Liberal to restrict windfarms and Nationals want to abolish RET

Posted by Vote Climate on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, In : Renewable Energy Target 
How would the wind industry fare under a Coalition government? 

Some excerpts from an article in the Guardian:

The Coalition is under intense pressure from the anti-windfarm lobby and also from many of its own MPs to take much tougher action, either banning new windfarms entirely or abolishing the renewable energy target that provides the industry with an effective federal subsidy. It is promising a review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET)...

The yet-to-be-released [Liberal Party] resources p...
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