Chisholm and Kooyong, Melbourne

In the conservative heartland of Melbourne’s Chisholm and Kooyong electorates the local climate action group, Lighter Footprints, takes a strong stand on addressing the climate emergency. They have a high success rate with their letters to state, national and local papers, with close to100 letters published so far this year. 

Even though this is not a marginal seat, the group is playing an important role working within the ALP and the Coalition. They meet regularly with their local Liberal MP, Josh Frydenberg, who recently invited group members to meet Greg Hunt for lunch in his office - for an hour and half. When Bill Shorten was reported to have said that the ALP would walk away from the carbon price if they lost the election, a swift email from Lighter Footprints, clarified that this rumour was untrue and resulted in coverage in Climate Spectator the following day. 

Lighter Footprints is organizing a candidates’ forum on The Critical Decade with Josh Frydenberg (Liberal, McMillan), Anna Burke (ALP, Chisholm, speaker of the House of Representatives) and Janet Rice (lead Victorian Greens Senate candidate) on 13 August. Read more. 

In the week before the election, they will also be publishing a statement in the local press on climate change signed by about 20 eminent local citizens. 

McMillan, South Gippsland Victoria

The Gippsland region is under threat from coal and gas prospecting.

Community by community locals are organising their opposition. On the 17th of February 2013, the town of Poowong declared themselves Coal and CSG Free. The residents of the town had spent months surveying the entire town, asking them if they wanted to make this declaration, and 95% of people agreed.

Poowong is the first town in Victoria to declare themselves free of Coal and CSG. They are assisting nearby towns with their campaigns. 

McMillan campaigners are keen to talk to candidates about where they stand on CSG. 

Photos courtesy of CSG Free Poowong. Read more.